studio TiD
Toledo i Dertschei
Eva Dertschei, Carlos Toledo
Lindengasse 56/2/20
1070 Wien, Austria
tel +43 1 523 32 12 14
cel +43 676 617 64 10
< 1/18 >

Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina
Prishtina, 2017

Monuments mostly refer to an important event in the history of a country. Therefore text is attached to emphasize the context in which the monument has to be read.
But where does the text come from? Which typography is selected and what does the shape of the letters tell us? Who designed them and what for? And whose memory does it represent?
Based on a former artistic research on monuments, language and typography we put the focus on a visual investigation of the typography on monuments in the city of Prishtina.

The following participants completed the course with an artistic intervention:
Arba Bekteshi, Denis Ćupić, Rosa Johanna, Katalina Mihuta, Fiona Mino, Enesa Xeladi